StarT projects are carried out in kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools, high schools, and extracurricular activity groups.
Read more about the project work here.
StarT – Jordan 2022
StarT invites schools, kindergartens, extracurricular activity groups, and families, as well as other interested institutions and groups, including the media, to join us in sharing the joy of collaborative learning!
In the international StarT, learning communities get support, recognition and awards for carrying out interdisciplinary, collaborative project-based learning.
The international StarT competition has two categories:
- Projects by children and youngsters (3-18 y.o.)
- Best educational practicesby educators (teachers, instructors, parents…)
Everyone can participate annually by reporting their work in the form of short videos and concise learning diaries. Only requirement is a link to science, technology or mathematics and to one of the seven StarT themes.
In the assessment criteria students’ active role, collaboration and interdisciplinary are emphasized.
The StarT program includes also StarT events (StarT-Days, StarT-Fests and the International LUMA StarT Gala), a virtual science club, and cooperation with StarT ambassadors, corporations and universities.
In StarT, every child and youth can be a Star through Teamwork – welcome along!
Why StarT?
StarT is an exciting and encouraging platform for carrying out projects related to science, technology and mathematics. The versatile StarT themes and requirements for the projects allow the learning communities to take advantage of participating in the StarT process in such a way that supports their needs best.
In the international StarT the teachers and students who have carried out distinguished projects and educational practices are given recognition and visibility on many levels, and best practices and projects are awarded. In 2017 and 2018 the winners of the main prizes were awarded with a memorable trip to Finland!
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We encourage all the participants to base their projects in the questions and interests of the students. In addition to that, we hope to motivate the StarT participants to cooperate with e.g. other schools, universities, organizations, companies and other institutions in their projects. StarT also encourages the use of modern technology as well as that of other learning environments outside of school.
In StarT the integration of arts and sciences is promoted, for example through drama in the form of science theater. The projects and creations in StarT involve combining natural sciences, mathematics, and technology with other disciplines including music, visual arts, drama, languages and sports.
By inviting also other countries to take part, we increase global interaction and bring people together for a great cause. Schools and kindergartens worldwide can also invite their international partner schools from other countries to participate in StarT!
StarT is organized by the LUMA Centre Finland
The owner and main implementer of StarT is LUMA Center Finland. LUMA Center Finland is a network of Finnish science and technology universities (12 universities in total), and it organizes StarT in collaboration with sponsors and other collaboration partners, such as corporations.
StarT is a long-term project; since 2016 it has been an important part of the yearly action plan of LUMA Center Finland. Through StarT we aim to implement to schools and kindergartens a new, interdisciplinary and collaborative StarT way of working and thinking.
StarT: levels of implementation
There are four levels on which StarT is implemented. Please note that if you want to participate in StarT, only thing we require from international participants is a StarT project (read more about the projects here) – the StarT-Days and StarT-Fests are recommendations. For Finnish participants there are two ways to participate in StarT: the national StarT and the international StarT.
StarT Festival
StarT Festival in Jordan, larger-scale science, technology and mathematics festivals where young people get to share and celebrate their StarT project creations with an even wider audience than during local StarT-Days.
However, even if there is not yet a national StarT Festival in your country, we are warmly encouraging those interested to start organizing one! During StarT Festivals the students get to share what they have created as their StarT project with a jury that constitutes of experts from different fields, such as universities, corporations or organizations, and naturally with other students in the region. This way making the projects becomes even more realistic, exciting and motivating!
What is more?
In Jordan, StarT Festival students often get encouragement prizes from cooperation partners.For example, A company might give a prize for a team that has created a project that is relevant for their industry, resulting in greater cooperation between industries and schools.
Jordan StarT Festival also include fun and exciting workshops for both teachers and students. Students might for example conduct exciting chemistry experiments, build robots or code games, and teachers have pedagogical cafes where they get to share their best practices and experiences.
Ideas for implementation for different age groups
Are you pondering how to carry out project learning with your group? Are all of the ideas you found too simple or too complicated?
These pages help you find tips for projects for different age groups, with something for everyone! Remember to also check out the pages, with ideas and instructions for projects for different age groups.
You can also find ideas for projects to do at home or with a hobby group!
The international StarT competition
Here you can read about the StarT process, Click on the links below to read more.
The annual international StarT competition
The annual international StarT competition has two categories:
- Projects by students
- Best educational practices by teachers, instructors and other educators.
The best projects and best educational practices will be awarded annually.
The StarT Process
StarT Proceeds as follows:
- Project work is done in the learning communities
- StarT-Days and StarT-Fests
- Work is reported online in two categories:
- Projects by students.
- Best educational practices.
Reporting happens in the form of short videos (3 min) and learning diaries.
- StarT jury reviews the reported work.
- The most distinguished projects and best practices continue on to the international public voting on YouTube. Public’s favorites will be chosen through this voting.
- The nominees for the International LUMA StarT awards will be chosen by the StarT jury from the projects and best practices that made it to the public voting.
- The winners of the International LUMA StarT awards will be chosen from the nominees. The winners will be awarded at the International LUMA StarT Gala, and they received as their main price a trip to Finland.